Costa Rica
Cooperation in the Forestry and Timber Sectors (COSEFORMA) | | ID: 2036-93 |
Guillermo Arias Murillo
Ministerio de Ambiente y Energ?a
Apartado 8-4190
1000 San Jos?
Costa Rica
+506 282 9300
+506 282 5298
Fair Trade Labelling Organisation (FLO) | | ID: 2036-94 |
Ovidio J. Lopez
Frente de Cafeateros Solidarios de America Latina
Apto. Postal 1357
4050 Alajuela
Costa Rica
+506 440 0511
+506 440 0501
INBIO - A Pilot Project for the Conservation and Use of Biodiversity | | ID: 2036-95 |
Dr. Rodriguez G?mez Lobo
National Institute of Biodiversity of Costa Rica
P.O. Box 22-3100
Santo Domingo de Heredia
Costa Rica
+506 507-8100 Central
+506 507-8270 Directory
Fax +506 244 2816
Sustainable Banana Production for Export | | ID: 2036-96 |
Volker Ribniger
Apartado 10905
1000 San Jose
Costa Rica
+506 221 2075
+506 258 2216
Platanera Rio Sixaola,S.A | | ID: 2036-97 |
Apartado 10905 - 1000
Costa Rica
Tel: +506 222 3782
Fax : +506 258 2431